Invest in Farmland. Harvest your Returns.
We provide investors with low minimum investments and solid rates of return through farmland asset investing. Owning farmland is now possible.
Diversify your portfolio with Farmland investing
We all know it is important to have a diversified financial portfolio. In times of market turmoil, it is even MORE critical to ensure you are well-diversified.
Farmland investing is a truly diversified investment opportunity with attractive long-term returns. Typically unattainable for the average investor, Farmd makes adding a farmland asset to your portfolio possible with a low minimum investment.
Explore opportunities beyond stocks & bonds.
For the past 20 Years (2002-2021) farmland has averaged a 15.29% return.
It's uncorrelated to stock and bond markets, a real estate asset that produces cash-flows as well as equity appreciation.
Georgia - A land of promises!
Georgian agribusiness gives asymmetric returns.
Farmd team has support from the Georgian government in the form of subsidies to attract foreign investments and develop local lands.
Farmd is the future of farmland investing
Farmd was founded to help investors diversify their portfolio via farmland
Farming requires significant working capital to operate, and those costs have only increased over time. Investors know farmland is a solid addition to a portfolio, but it could take a lifetime to build up the means to own it. Farmd is the solution for both. We make it possible for farmers to expand, while also allowing investors a means to own and benefit from a farmland investment.